Storytellers Project - Growing Up show

Register for Storytellers Project - Growing Up show

Growing Up

 is about glorious failures as much as victorious triumphs. Join USA TODAY for an hour of true, first-person stories celebrating the stories about the little and big moments of growing up.

Details: April 20, 2021 | 4 p.m. Pacific / 7 p.m. Eastern.

Scroll down to register. 

How to Watch FAQ

About the Storytellers Project:
At the Storytellers Project, we help ​people tell true stories about who they are, what they do, and why it matters. ​Since 2016, at hundreds of shows with thousands of tellers, we feature neighbors and notables sharing true, first-person stories. USA TODAY Network journalists curate and coach the tellers to develop stories that serve their communities. 

We are dedicated to creating empathy across America.